
What is a CranioSacral Therapy?

What is a CranioSacral Therapy? 1080 1080 Recovery Lounge & Spa
What is CranioSacral Therapy and how does it work? 

CranioSacral Therapy (or CST for short) is a light force, hands-on approach to release tension in the fascia of the nervous system, improving the function and structure of all body systems. 

CranioSacral Therapy is body based, meaning that each person’s body leads the session, every time. To do this, a practitioner evaluates the craniosacral rhythm using the tangible parts of the craniosacral system – the cranium (bones of the head), sacrum (wedge shaped bone at the bottom of your spine) and the spine connecting the two. These enclose and protect the spinal cord and cerebral spinal fluid. Invisible from outside the body, this fluid is what keeps the central nervous system healthy and functioning properly.  The central nervous system (think of the body’s central processing unit) is housed within these structures and is therefore directly affected by any restriction of these structures.


What is Cerebral Spinal Fluid or CSF?

Cerebral Spinal Fluid nourishes the cellular tissues of the brain and nerves. It also aids in conductivity allowing for smooth and efficient communication in the nervous system.  CSF is enclosed within the spine inside a membrane called the dural tube. The CSF moves along the spine, up and around the outside of the brain and back into the brain via ventricles, sinuses, and ducts, to nourish and clean the tissues. So, how does this fluid move? Up until recently, we were lacking the scientific studies that could 100% confirm this.

Now, due to scientific research and studies in the field of Plagiocephaly, we can confirm that a pulse originates in the brainstem 5-8 times per minute which creates a rhythm of expansion and contraction throughout the fascia of the body. This expansion/contraction can be felt in the body’s large joints as an external/internal rotation. The brain stem pulse and the body’s response to it is known as the Craniosacral rhythm. Evaluating this rhythm at the feet, thighs, hips, shoulders and head allows a practitioner to easily assess areas of the body that are restricted and limiting the flow of the cerebral spinal fluid.


What is Fascia?

Fascia is a continuous thin layer of connective tissue that surrounds our muscles, bones, nerves, organs and cells. It’s kind of like a giant web or fabric that holds all the structures of the body in place. If you’ve ever pulled apart the meat of a steak or a roast, the fascia is the white fibrous material within the meat that holds it together. Because it is one continuous structure, restrictions in any area of the body can impact or be influenced by fascial movements and restrictions in any other area of the body. 


How does CranioSacral Therapy work?

Evaluating the Craniosacral Rhythm gives the practitioner vital information about how the  body is responding to the brain stem pulse and circulating CSF. The practitioner starts by palpating the CranioSacral Rhythm throughout the body to determine a starting point for the session. Once a starting point has been determined, the practitioner places their hands on the body, lightening their hand pressure until they can feel the fascia and fluid movement of the body. They then follow the fascial tissue in the direction of ease, where the tissue is already going, until it stops moving. The practitioner creates a gentle barrier or resistance to the tissues moving back in the way they came, holds and waits until the tissues releases and finds a new way. CranioSacral Therapy is one of the only hands-on modalities where the body leads and the practitioner follows.


How does the practitioner know where to go?

There is a saying in Craniosacral Therapy that “the body loves the lesion”.  When we think of humans in an evolutionary context, we know that they were originally prey in the food chain, meaning other creatures ate them. Surviving meant that on a cellular level the body evolved to squeeze down any injured tissues into as small an area as possible, in order to allow the human to get up and run away. This can be seen in the way the body stops blood loss and heals by scarring. When the body contracts to pull the injury (lesion) in and compresses it into the smallest possible “package” (loving it), it creates an adhesion. This process is brilliant in the short term, it allows the body to keep functioning. However if left unattended, over time the adhesion will start creating restrictions that impact the function and vitality of the surrounding tissues. 

To better explain this, I like to use the visual of a free flowing stream with crystal clear water moving smoothly downstream as an analogy for our CSF moving in an unrestricted system. Now imagine a stick falls into the stream and gets stuck which would symbolize an adhesion. The stream continues to flow around the stick, but because the stick is in the stream other sticks and leaves (cellular waste) which normally would have been carried along keeping the stream free and clear, get caught.  Over time, this buildup will block the stream from flowing and create a stale stagnant pool of water. This is what happens to CSF when it is unable to move freely. When the CSF doesn’t flow freely, there is a lack of nourishment and a build up of cellular debris throughout the brain and nervous system, which affects proper firing of the neurons and can lead to a wide variety of symptoms, i.e. pain, mood swings, loss of sensation, spastic motor control, parts of the body that don’t easily heal and repair, just to name a few. 

When the practitioner follows the fascia into the restriction and gently holds it in place, they create a temporary barrier that backs up the fluid in that area (on a cellular level) while also taking the pressure off of the muscles. Taking this pressure off the muscles relieves them of the job of holding the injured place so tightly, which allows the tissues to relax, in turn allowing fluid to flow into the area, removing the build-up of cellular debris. This allows the healing process to begin. This fluid movement and relaxation in the tissues will translate out through the fascia, affecting compensation and holding patterns throughout the body.


What should I expect during my session?

You will lie on a massage table, fully clothed, while the practitioner gently touches the tops of your feet, ankles, knees, ribs, shoulders, & head to assess your CranioSacral Rythm and determine a starting point. Once the practitioner determines a starting point, they will gently hold that area of the body with a hand placed lightly on the front and back of the body.  In general, this is a deeply relaxing treatment. It feels good for the body to be held while letting go at a deep, cellular level.

Occasionally, a person might experience some discomfort as the tissues assimilate changes and integrate a new structural position. This integration process can take anywhere from 48-72 hours before these new sensations fully resolve.

Sometimes, emotions arise during a session. When this happens, your practitioner will help guide and support your body in finding a new way to process the information stored in your tissues and relate that information to the rest of the mind/body/spirit complex.

Why does this happen?

This typically happens when a person was under high levels of stress or in a heightened emotional state at the time the injury occurred. When a person is in a heightened state at the time an injury occurs, the chemical components of that emotion are often stored along with the injury in the “tight injury package.” As that injury package releases, the chemicals of that heightened state re-enter your system and you may re-experience the emotion.

As this happens, there is a unique opportunity to reprocess the emotions and thought processes that were present at the time and reintegrate that experience in a new way. This is how we understand and work with trauma that is stored in the body, from a CranioSacral perspective.



What should I expect after my session?

After receiving CranioSacral Therapy, most people will move through emotions, shifting mental states, and body realignment with greater ease than before their session.  However, occasionally something comes up that sticks around in the body or mind a little longer and takes a bit more time to process and integrate.

If emotions come up during your session, we recommend letting your partner or members of your household know so they can let you know if you seem a little off.  Often our loved ones are the first to notice when need a little extra self-care and support. When this happens out of the blue and they don’t have any context, it can create misunderstandings. If we give them a heads-up, they are more able to acknowledge and support our processing without mistaking it as an issue coming up with them. 

If emotions come up or are lingering after a session, we recommend soaking in an epsom salt bath for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, rinse off and get out of the bath. 

How much Epsom Salt to Use:

  • 1-2 cups of epsom salt for a whole body soak
  • ¼-½ cup for a foot soak

Soaking in this way helps the body discard the chemical components that were released during your session through an osmosis process with the salinity of the water. Remember, avoid soaking longer than 20 minutes to prevent the body from reabsorbing the chemicals & toxins you are trying to release. 


If difficult thoughts or emotions persist for longer than a day or if you have a known history of trauma that is difficult to process, we recommend utilizing NeurOptimal along with your CranioSacral Therapy session and seeking out the support of a licensed therapist that has experience in working with trauma. 


If you are experiencing physical pain or achy flu-like symptoms after a session, we recommend:

  1. First, try the epsom salt soak described above.
  2. Next, try stretching and breathing into the painful area.
  3. If you’ve tried these things and are still struggling, please reach out to Recovery Lounge & Spa and let us know.

Our Recovery Services are available as drop-in services 7 days a week. All of our services are carefully selected to calm the nervous system while relieving pain & expedite the body’s healing processes. We are here to support you on your journey into wellness and always want to know if you are struggling with something after a session.  Everyone’s body integrates differently and we are here to help!

Want to learn more about CranioSacral Therapy & how we can support you?

Book a Free 20 min Consultation!

What is a “Herx” Response?

What is a “Herx” Response? 1080 1080 Recovery Lounge & Spa

What is a Herxheimer Reaction or “Herx” Response?

The Herxheimer response is a natural process that happens in the body when harmful microorganisms and bacteria are killed or die off at an increased rate.  As pathogens are destroyed inside the body, they release previously contained endotoxins & heavy metals into the bloodstream. When someone has a high toxin load or  compromised detox pathways, this influx of endotoxins being released from the tissues can overwhelm their body’s ability to expel toxins. This triggers a temporary immune response that causes an increase of inflammation, worsening of symptoms, and even the development of new symptoms.

Signs of a Herxheimer Reaction:

  • Fatigue
  • Brain fog
  • Headache
  • Body aches and pain
  • Skin rashes
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms: bloating, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, nausea.
  • Fever and chills
  • Changes in mood and increased irritability

How to Reduce the Impact of a Herx Response:

  1. Drink More of Water
  2. Reduce your Exposure to Toxins
  3. Get More Sleep
  4. Start a Probiotic
  5. Find a Detox pace that is manageable for your body.

General Detox Guidelines at Recovery Lounge & Spa:

If you know you have pathogens in your body or difficulty detoxing, follow the steps above to mitigate a Herx Response plus follow specific guidelines for the services below:

PEMF Therapy – This is our gentlest detox service and does not create a Herx Response so long as you hydrate before and after use.

Infrared Sauna & ionCleanse Foot Detox

  • Start with 10-15 minutes per session and then take a break, gradually working your way up to longer stretches if you feel good after your sauna session and are not experiencing detox side-effects.
  • Shower afterwards and/or use our Double Activated Charcoal Towels to wipe off your skin and remove toxins after using the Infrared Sauna.
  • If you’re heat sensitive, reduce the heat. The really cool thing about Infrared Sauna is that it doesn’t have to be used at high heat to be effective. You can turn the heat down and open the door of the sauna without losing benefit because it’s the invisible Infrared Light doing the work, not the heat.
  • Hydrate before, during, and after. The more you hydrate, the better you will feel.

ionCleanse Foot Detox:

  • Supplement with Trace Minerals if you are using the foot detox more than 1x per week. This replaces the “good metals” like Iron, Magnesium, Zinc, etc. that are purged along with heavy metals during your footbath.
  • Get good sleep and avoid alcohol & fried foods for at least 2-3 days after using the ionCleasne to support your body in the detox process initiated during your treatment.

At Recovery Lounge and Spa, we understand the delicate process of detoxing when your body is struggling with Mold, Lyme, Auto-Immune Conditions, Parasites, etc. We understand that you want to feel better but don’t want to be bedbound in the process. For a personalized recommendation, schedule a FREE Virtual Consultation with Amanda or Melissa for support with a care plan that is just for you.

Additional Resources:

“What is a Herxheimer Reaction and What Can I Do About It?”

“Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction” in the National Library of Medicine

3 Steps to Detox & Heal from Parasites

3 Steps to Detox & Heal from Parasites 1080 1080 Recovery Lounge & Spa

How to Detox & Heal from Parasites

If you suspect that you are struggling with parasites, the first thing to know is that parasites are very common. They can enter the body by ingestion of undercooked meat, raw fish, drinking contaminated water, walking barefoot on infected soils or swimming in infected waters. When a person’s immune system is functioning properly, it eliminates most of these before they have a chance to build up in the body tissues. Parasites can overrun the body’s systems during times of stress, major illness and with concussions.

9 Common Symptoms of Parasite Infection are :

  • Digestive Challenges – bloating/gas/constipation/nausea
  • Chronic Fatigue or Exhaustion – leading to mood changes/depression/personality changes/headaches/ memory issues/ brain fog
  • Skin Issues – unexplained rashes/hives/eczema/rosacea, etc. This occurs from an increase of  IgE in the system.
  • Muscular/ Joint Pain – that does not improve with other interventions
  • Anemia
  • Feeling Hungry Even After Eating
  • Itchiness – may be localized under the skin or can cause anal itch
  • Bruxism – grinding teeth while sleeping
  • Insomnia – parasites are nocturnal and lunar sensitive, during the full moon in particular.

If you are experiencing several of these symptoms or one symptom that is not responding to typical courses of treatment, it is possible that you may have parasites.

What Can I Do?!

Step 1: Open your Detox Pathways

As you are considering a parasite detox, it is important to understand that parasites absorb heavy metals while living in the body. This protects them like armor while they are alive and when they die, they release the heavy metals back into your body. This can cause a person to feel unwell and experience a variety of “detox” symptoms or a “herx response” as the parasites die. It is important to get the body’s lymphatic system moving properly so that when the tissues and organs release parasites and heavy metals, the body can eliminate them more easily. Regular use of Infrared Sauna, ionCleanse Foot Detox and Manual Lymphatic Drainage will aid your body with this process. Adding a 3rd party tested Chlorella supplement to your daily routine during this time will help your body to release the heavy metals and “disarms” the heavy metal armor that parasites hides behind.

Step 2: Modify your Diet

Avoid simple carbohydrates in your diet – refined foods, fruit, juice, dairy products and all types of sugar, except honey.  Parasites love sugar. 

Add – pumpkin seeds, pomegranate, carrots, beets, raw garlic and cilantro.

Increase your water intake – to help flush them out of your system.

Eat more fiber – this helps the bowels move regularly

Add Pre/Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes  – this will help your intestinal flora to rebalance, making it an unwelcome place for parasites.

Step 3: Work with a Healthcare Provider to Guide you in a Parasite Cleanse

Once your body is detoxing with ease and you are experiencing minimal to no “herx response”, you can safely begin a more aggressive parasite cleanse.

5 Areas to Focus on to Reduce Stress and Feel Better

5 Areas to Focus on to Reduce Stress and Feel Better 2160 1440 Recovery Lounge & Spa

April is Stress Awareness Month.

Why have an entire month dedicated to reducing stress? If you ask the average American how they feel, you’ll likely get met with the response, “stressed.” In fact, according to the American Institute of Stress Statistics, 77% of people experience stress that affects their physical health, 73% of people have stress that impacts their mental health, 48% of people have trouble sleeping because of stress, and about 33% of people report feeling extreme stress.” Is that you? If so, read on. 

Why are we so stressed out anyway? Well, there are the day-to-day stressors like paying your bills on time, work deadlines, school finals, that annoying neighbor who parks their car in your spot on the daily, or being bombarded with spam calls. To add to that, we’ve been living in a global pandemic, and in a world where social injustice, political divisiveness, and mass shootings appear to be at an all-time high. We have every reason to feel stressed. 

So what do we do about it? While you could google “stress reduction techniques” and find pages and pages and pages of advice, we are going to break things down into 5 areas to focus on in order to reduce stress and feel better.

Your 5 Areas of Focus

  1. Physical

    Focus some time, every day, on moving your physical body. Whether it be going for a run or a bike ride, attending a yoga or HIIT class, taking a swim or a leisurely walk with your dog, or holding a dance party in your kitchen with your toddler, get your body moving. Movement can help reduce stress by increasing feel good endorphins in your brain. When you move your body in a rhythmic, intentional way, your brain gets the message that “hey, we are moving for fun, not because we are running away from a grizzly bear.” So turn on your favorite playlist and go run, skip, hop or dance your way to less stress.
    Reducing stress in the physical realm also means eating well and staying hydrated. Increase your leafy green consumption and try to stay away from too much processed food. Diversify the color of the food on your plate and eat less stuff stored on a shelf in a bag. Drink more water and less of that sugary/fizzy stuff. When you pack your physical body with rich vitamins and minerals, and enough H20, “it provides the extra energy needed to cope with stressful events,” says Harvard University. For a mid-afternoon snack today, grab an apple and sunflower butter. It’s delicious and can help reduce stress.

  2. Emotional

    Feel your feelings! But wait, what does that even mean?

    If you notice a feeling, can you allow yourself to feel it fully, and respond to it with love and kindness rather than judgment? Easier said than done, but if you continuously suppress your emotions, you’re likely to walk around daily life like a ticking time-bomb. Take time every day to connect with how you feel. Techniques like practicing yoga, journaling, listening to relaxing music, breathing mindfully, meditating or taking time for silence, say for instance, during a nice, warm bubble bath, allows you to quiet the noise of the external world and tune into your internal world. Talk to a friend or family member about the struggles and challenges you’re facing. Once you can identify how you feel, you’re more successful at detaching yourself from that feeling, rather than getting continuously hooked in. Think: calm and steady pond versus a dangerous rip tide.

    Sometimes talking to a friend or family member, or lighting all of the scented candles you bought at the local farmer’s market, just doesn’t cut the stress enough. This is where a mental health professional can come in. Working with a therapist can be extremely helpful in identifying the triggers to your stress, developing a tailored stress-reduction plan, and having a safe place – judgment free – where you can unload all of those stressful feelings. Discover Peace Within has a team of highly skilled and compassionate therapists ready to help support you in reducing stress and feeling better. Reach out now to schedule a free consultation here.


  3. Mental

    Along with reducing stress by way of your emotions, tackling those stressful thoughts can also help you feel better. For funsies, scan your thoughts during the course of 20 minutes and start to notice how helpful or harmful those thoughts truly are to your health and well-being. Are you your own best friend or are you your own worst enemy? When something does not go as planned, when you make a mistake, when you’re forgetful, when you have a work deadline quickly approaching, when you’re in conflict with someone, what do you think about yourself? How do you talk to yourself? Do you meet yourself with added pressure and unrealistic expectations? Or can you separate your sense of self-worth and deservingness from what you did or did not/can or can not accomplish, and meet yourself with gentleness and grace?

    Again, this is where a trusted therapist can be super helpful. Your therapist can support you in recognizing whether your thoughts are helping reduce stress or if those thoughts are actually making shit worse. When working with a therapist, like one with Discover Peace Within, you will be able to create a list of helpful, uplifting, and encouraging thoughts to use when stressed.


  4. Relational

    Have you ever heard the saying, “your vibe attracts your tribe?” – well, what does your vibe say about you? And what does your tribe say about how stressed you are? How do the people in your life treat you? If they dismiss your feelings or needs, cross boundaries, need more than you can give, or cause that pit-in-your-stomach feeling whenever they’re near, it may be time to consider a new social circle.

    On the other hand, surrounding yourself with people who validate you, support and encourage you, respect your needs, and give as much as they receive can improve your ability to combat stress and feel better. “The benefits of social connections and good mental health are numerous. Proven links include lower rates of anxiety and depression, higher self-esteem, greater empathy, and more trusting and cooperative relationships” say the experts at Better Health Channel. Relationships can significantly add to or turn down your stress-level.

    Go schedule a coffee date with your bestie, call your mom, or vent to your co-worker over Slack. Find a community of like-minded people with whom you can relate, connect, and share joyful experiences. Coming out of the pandemic, people are thirsty for deeper, more meaningful relationships more than ever before. Put yourself out there and make a new friend, or reconnect with a cousin. Share a laugh with your partner, or go on a bike ride with your kiddo. Whatever you do, and whoever you do it with, make sure that the relationship feels loving, safe, and fun.

    If your relationships aren’t working for you, getting involved in therapy can help with that. A therapist can help you build empathy and social skills, help you develop a stronger voice and sense of self-respect to advocate for yourself, or help you gain the confidence to put yourself out there to meet new people. Contact Discover Peace Within today to get support in this area.


  5. Spiritual

    Whatever your beliefs may be around spiritual or religious topics, having a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in life can help reduce stress. Whether you connect with something bigger than yourself while volunteering your time, hiking in nature, or praying in a House of Worship, focusing your attention on something other than your stress, can help you shift your perspective and gain a deeper sense of clarity around what is really important.

    You might want to try meditation, prayer, giving of your time or resources, writing a daily Gratitude List, reading a spiritual or religious book or blog, or traveling. These practices can give a newfound sense of purpose, a greater connection to the world, and a greater ability to let go – to not sweat the small stuff.


Where Do You Go From Here?

The good news is that by focusing your time, attention, and energy to one or more of these areas, your stress will likely go down and you’ll feel better. But this isn’t a one-time recipe for stress relief. You have to commit, and commit again, and again and again. Just like brushing your teeth, engaging in these activities every day is the ticket to overall health and wellbeing. If you live in the Denver metro area, or in the state of Colorado, we’d love to hear from you! You can connect with one of our knowledgeable and caring therapists with Discover Peace Within to help you reduce stress and feel better today. 

Woman having dinner with friends

Women’s Health & Recovery: 4 Tips to Support Thyroid Health

Women’s Health & Recovery: 4 Tips to Support Thyroid Health 2560 1707 Recovery Lounge & Spa

As women, we face many health challenges as our bodies change as we get older. One of the most common issues we face is a decline in thyroid health, which can impact our overall quality of life.

One of our Community Partners, Vital Source Nutrition, specializes in helping women like you take control of your health and feel your best. One area that we often see overlooked when it comes to thyroid health is digestion. Did you know that good digestion is crucial to support your thyroid health and overall well-being?

Your thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate your metabolism, but this process can be hindered by poor digestion. When your body doesn’t absorb nutrients properly, it can lead to inflammation and hormonal imbalances that impact your thyroid health. Further, the conversion of T4 to T3 occurs in the gut and is essential for a properly functioning thyroid. This is why we support so many clients on improving their digestion as a way to support their thyroid health.

If you’re struggling with symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, or brain fog, it’s possible that improving your digestion could be the key to feeling better

Here are a few tips:

  1. Eat a Balanced Diet: Eating a variety of whole, nutrient-dense foods is crucial for good digestion. As your health coach, I can help you design a personalized nutrition plan that supports your thyroid health and overall well-being.
  2. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help your body break down food and absorb nutrients more effectively. Let’s work together to find creative and fun ways to stay hydrated throughout the day (minimum 60oz of water daily).
  3. Manage Stress Chronic stress can impact your digestive system, so finding ways to manage stress can improve your digestion and support your thyroid health. As your health coach, I can help you develop strategies to reduce stress and promote relaxation.
  4. Consider Supplements: Certain supplements can support healthy digestion, including digestive enzymes, probiotics, and magnesium. I can help you select high-quality supplements that support your unique health goals.

If you’re ready to take control of your digestion and support your thyroid health, I invite you to work with me as your Functional Medicine Practitioner. We will develop a personalized plan that empowers you to feel your best.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns about your thyroid health. I look forward to hearing from you soon!

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